If you've never heard about the International Sewer Appreciation Day - it may be becuase, well, it doesn't exist... yet!
We plan to showcase the power of our community by creating this holiday that badly needs to exist - and no, it's not about Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles fandom, it's about paying tribute to the importance of sanitation and the engineering marvels that underpin our (relatively) civilized society.
How often do you think about sewers?
Less than the Roman Empire?
Well, we are on a quest to change that - sewers are even cooler than the Roman Empire!*
So really, when you are walking down the street you never think about what's right under your feet - but it's actually at the very heart of our civilization! We all take for granted that we flush - our shit magically disappears, never to be seen again - and we never give any thanks. Christians thank their god for the bread he gives them every day - we Pastafarians are going to start thanking our creator for the pleasure to not have to smell each other's shit, and most importantly - we are also going to thank all the sanitation workers and engineers who've made it possible.
Did you notice how sewers are shaped...
kind of
noodly? That's no coincidence. It took us a while to realize it but the sewer system is yet another manifestation of the body of the Flying Spaghetti Monster! From now on, the sewage system is officially a holy pastafarian shrine.
So, from now on, every 4th of May, or thereabouts if we decide to be cool like Christians with their wandering easter holiday, we'll be celebrating the International Sewer Appreciation Day!
Also, as any respectable religious organization we are fiercely opposed to our competitors. The International Sewer Appreciation day is a great way to throw the Jedi... in the sewers! They've been celebrating their May the 4th thing for a while and now it's time to overshadow them on their most special day and to reclaim it as our own. There can only be one alternative religion! I mean, Star Wars is owned by Disney now - they are basically worshipping Mickey fucking Mouse!
* Actually the Romans had sewers, so I guess Roman sewers are the coolest thing ever!
How to celebrate?
Educate yourself
For instance, by opening a few wiki pages, youtube videos and the like and educating ourselves about how those miracle workers are keeping our world clean. Don't you just get goosebumps thinking about it? The tons upon tons of water (and shit!) gently nudged by gravity along it's very-precisely-sloping path, on its way to the sea (hopefully with a detour through a filtration plant on the way).
Give thanks
If you know anyone working in the field - say a sincere thank you, ask them about interesting anecdotes from their work and bring them over to the next pastafarian meetup!
The most sincere form of thank giving in Pastafarianism is actually buying them a beer!
Have fun
Get a few friends together, have a weird conversation and when the beers you've consumed eventually need to leave your body - meditate on their onward journey and reflect on the luxury of not having to deal with a chamber pot or an outhouse!
Well, obviously, the most important thing is to spread the word! Tell your friends, post this page on social media or just say "happy sewer day" to everybody you meet on the 4th of May. Don't worry, they already know you are weird!
If you have a local pastafarian church chapter - do reach out and ask them to publish something sewer-related on the day. In various locations we organize in-person events on the topic with pub quizzes, presentations and even a guided tour in the Brussels Sewer Museum, which from now on is officially a pilgrimage destination, in the footsteps of none other than Bill Gates! You know what, while we are at it - we could actually declare him the patron saint of sewers?
Do you have a similar venue in your location, or a good online resource or just sweet ass pictures of your pet rat? Do let us know and we'll spread the word. Got curious sewer-related facts? We're excited to hear! Please contact the Belgian church, which is the most active in this endeavour, and share them.
Event Brussels:
Wednesday June 5 19:30 Bar Pilar, 2 Boulevard de la Plaine MeetUpEvent Sofia:
Friday May 10, 2024 20:00
Bar Dak, Ploshtad Petko R. Slaveykov 11